Fluoric acid Complaints of old age, or of premature old age; in syphilitic mercurial dyscrasia; young people look old. Increased ab...
Fluoric acid
Complaints of old age, or of premature old age; in syphilitic mercurial dyscrasia; young people look old. Increased ability to exercise without danger (Coca.); is less affected by excessive heat of summer or cold of winter. Old cicatrices become red around edges, and threaten to become open ulcers (Caust., Graph.). Varicose veins and ulcers, obstinate, long standing cases, in women who have borne many children. Caries and necrosis, especially of long bones, psoric or syphilitic, abuse of mercury or silica (Angus.). Naenuv, flat, of children (r. temple); capillary aneurism (compare, Cal. fl., Tub.). Ulcers: red edges and vesicles; decubitus; copious discharge; < from warmth, > from cold; violent pains, like streaks of lightning, confined to a small spot. Rapid caries of teeth; fistula dentalis or lachrymalis; exostosis of bone so face (Hekla).
The 12 Tissue Remedies What are they good for?
... is given but helps just a little or not at all, then Calc fluor will usually help. General Tonic: Calcarea phosphorica ... acidity with heartburn, indigestion, and gas. They have acid belchings after eating. This little remedy is helpful for infants with ...
Fluoric acid
... of the prepuce, and nothing seems to act upon it. Fluoric acid will cure edema of the prepuce with gonorrhea in such a subject. Cannabis ... covered. Then it is that this medicine comes in the series. Fluor. ac. follows Sil. as naturally as Sil. follows Puls. They exist in ...
Energy and Endurance for Marathons and Beyond
... your body needs it.) Beyond Arnica Sarcolactic acid —the lactic acid found in muscles that builds up during exercise and ... you can also use the cell salt Calcarea fluorica 6x. Calc fluor strengthens elastic tissue anywhere in the body, including the walls of ...
Fluoricum acidum
... Natural History. Hydrofluoric acid. H. F. Made by distilling pure fluor spar (Calcium fluoride) in a state of fine powder with sulfuric acid. ...
Sulphurosum acidum
... Natural History. Sulphurous Acid, H2SO3 General. SULPHUROUS ACID, (tonsillitis (as a spray), ... of chest. Difficult breathing. Female. Fluor albus. Debility. Dose. As a spray in tonsillitis. According ...
Homeopathic History - The Value of Homeopathy in a Rural "Out-Clinic"
... loose in sockets, protruding piles, easy to take cold. Calc fluor 6X was given four times a day with gradual improvement; sense of choking ... my case that appealed to me for this patient but Phosphoric acid 30th. This I left, asking them to report soon and expecting to hear of her ...
Fluoricum acidum
... Natural History. Hydrofluoric Acid General. Especially adapted to chronic diseases with ... cicatricial tissues; adhesions, strictures, tumors); CALC. FLUOR.; SILICA. Complementary: SILICA. Dose. Sixth to thirtieth ...