The Homeopathic Remedy Calcarea Carbonica (Calc. Carb.) is from the calcium in oyster shell and is a useful remedy for physical fatigue...

The Homeopathic Remedy Calcarea Carbonica (Calc. Carb.) is from the calcium in oyster shell and is a useful remedy for physical fatigue, muscle weakness and problems due to faulty nutrition. It can also be helpful for health problems that stem from poor circulation, as well as anxiety, phobias and joint pain.

Calcarea Carbonica is commonly used for:

Health Problems:
The homeopathic remedy Calcarea Carbonica is used to help with overweight problems including symptoms of low energy, excess appetite and poorly toned muscles.
Calc Carb is also used for problems with slow recovery or congestion in the system including mononucleosis, acne and eczema.It also works well as a remedy for symptoms such as indigestion, flatulence, constipation, and sour belching.
Bone and Joint Pain:
The homeopathic remedy Calcarea Carbonica is often looked to for backaches, joint pain, bone pain, bone growths, arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis pain, carpal tunnel syndrome or even bunions. Calcarea Carbonica can be used for any sort of inflammation in joints that are slow to heal.
Anxiety and Phobias:
The homeopathic remedy Calcarea Carbonica not only works for physical symptoms, but also for mental or emotional ones as well. Calc Carb works as a homeopathic remedy for those worries and fears that may escalate into almost obsessive behavior. The fears are often founded on the fact that somebody will see through the individual and they will therefore be unable to cope.
Calcarea Carbonica works quite well as a homeopathic remedy for children going through rather painful teething. It may help with sore gums and for an impaired development of teeth. Calc Carb can also be beneficial for cradle cap. It can also be used for health problems of growing children who were late in teething and walking and suffer slow growth.
Women’s Heath:
Calcarea Carbonica is helpful for female issues such as painful menstruation, hormonal imbalance and PMS. Calc Carb may help with excessively heavy menstrual periods (menorrhagia) and sore breasts before the flow begins.
This is the type of headache where there is sharp pain, often on the right side of the head. There may also be dizziness, congestion, or catarrh associated with the headache. If there is a migraine then there may be nausea or a type of bursting pain associated with it.
Calcarea Carb can be helpful for insomnia, weakness on waking and waking unrefreshed.

Calcarea Carbonica’s Personality Profile:

Calcarea Carbonica is a homeopathic remedy that may be best suited for those who are very down to earth and affable. They tend to be very community-minded, being comforted by tradition and history. They generally take a very plodding, systematic approach to everything they do, and can become extremely stubborn if someone attempts to change their rhythm. They will have a tendency towards workaholism, from the fact that they don’t like to leave something they are working on before it is done.
Other aspects of Calcarea Carbonica patients are their tendency to be passive, overweight people with fair or chalky complexions, large heads, and large puffy abdomens. They appear to be bloated rather than solidly muscular. Their perspiration and other body discharges often have a sour smell. Calc Carb patients often crave cold or iced drinks even when they do not have much appetite. On the other hand, they may have cravings for indigestible nonfood items, such as coal or chalk. They may dislike milk or meat, and complain of headaches and nausea after meals.

Calcarea Carbonica’s Materia Medica:

Mind: Apprehensive; worse towards evening; fears loss of reason, misfortune, contagious diseases. Forgetful, confused, low-spirited. Anxiety with palpitation. Obstinacy; slight mental effort produces hot head. Averse to work or exertion.
Head: Sense of weight on top of head. Headache, with cold hands and feet. Vertigo on ascending, and when turning head. Headache from overlifting, from mental exertion, with nausea. Head feels hot and heavy, with pale face. Icy coldness in, and on the head, especially right side. Open fontanelles; head enlarged; much perspiration, wets the pillow. Itching of the scalp. Scratches head on waking.
Eyes: Sensitive to light. Lachrymation in open air and early in morning. Spots and ulcers on cornea. Lachrymal ducts closed from exposure to cold. Easy fatigue of eyes. Far sighted. Itching of lids, swollen, scurfy. Chronic dilatation of pupils. Cataract. Dimness of vision, as if looking through a mist. Lachrymal fistula; scrofulous ophthalmia.
Ears: Throbbing; cracking in ears; stitches; pulsating pain as if something would press out. Deafness from working in water. Polypi which bleed easily. Scrofulous inflammation with muco-purulent otorrhœa, and enlarged glands. Perversions of hearing; hardness of hearing. Eruption on and behind ear (Petrol). Cracking noises in ear. Sensitive to cold about ears and neck.
Nose: Dry, nostrils sore, ulcerated. Stoppage of nose, also with fetid, yellow discharge. Offensive odor in nose. Polypi; swelling at root of nose. Epistaxis. Coryza. Takes cold at every change of weather. Catarrhal symptoms with hunger; coryza alternates with colic.
Face: Swelling of upper lip. Pale, with deep-seated eyes, surrounded by dark rings. Crusta lactea; itching, burning after washing. Submaxillary glands swollen. Goitre. Itching of pimples in whiskers. Pain from right mental foramen along lower jaw to ear.
Mouth: Persistent sour taste. Mouth fills with sour water. Dryness of tongue at night. Bleeding of gums. Difficult and delayed dentition. Teeth ache; excited by current of air, anything cold or hot. Offensive smell from mouth. Burning pain at tip of tongue; worse, anything warm taken into stomach.
Throat: Swelling of tonsils and submaxillary glands; stitches on swallowing. Hawking-up of mucus. Difficult swallowing. Goitre. Parotid fistula.
Stomach: Aversion to meat, boiled things; craving for indigestible things-chalk, coal, pencils; also for eggs, salt and sweets. Milk disagrees. Frequent sour eructations; sour vomiting. Dislike of fat. Loss of appetite when overworked. Heartburn and loud belching. Cramps in stomach; worse, pressure, cold water. Ravenous hunger. Swelling over pit of stomach, like a saucer turned bottom up. Repugnance to hot food. Pain in epigastric region to touch. Thirst; longing for cold drinks. Aggravation while eating. Hyperchlorhydria (Phos).
Abdomen: Sensitive to slightest pressure. Liver region painful when stooping. Cutting in abdomen; swollen abdomen. Incarcerated flatulence. Inguinal and mesenteric glands swollen and painful. Cannot bear tight clothing around the waist. Distention with hardness. Gall-stone colic. Increase of fat in abdomen. Umbilical hernia. Trembling; weakness, as if sprained. Children are late in learning to walk.
Stool: Crawling and constriction in rectum. Stool large and hard (Bry); whitish, watery, sour. Prolapse ani, and burning, stinging hæmorrhoids. Diarrhœa of undigested, food, fetid, with ravenous appetite. Children’s diarrhœa. Constipation; stool at first hard, then pasty, then liquid.
Urine: Dark, brown, sour, fetid, abundant, with white sediment, bloody. Irritable bladder. Enuresis (Use 30th, also Tuberculin. 1 m.).
Male: Frequent emissions. Increased desire. Semen emitted too soon. Coition followed by weakness and irritability.
Female: Before menses, headache, colic, chilliness and leucorrhœa. Cutting pains in uterus during menstruation. Menses too early, too profuse, too long, with vertigo, toothache and cold, damp feet; the least excitement causes their return. Uterus easily displaced. Leucorrhœa, milky (Sepia). Burning and itching of parts before and after menstruation; in little girls. Increased sexual desire; easy conception. Hot swelling breasts. Breasts tender and swollen before menses. Milk too abundant; disagreeable to child. Deficient lactation, with distended breasts in lymphatic women. Much sweat about external genitals. Sterility with copious menses. Uterine polypi.
Respiratory: Tickling cough troublesome at night, dry and free expectoration in morning; cough when playing piano, or by eating. Persistent, irritating cough from arsenical wall paper (Clarke). Extreme dyspnœa. Painless hoarseness; worse in the morning. Expectoration only during the day; thick, yellow, sour mucus. Bloody expectoration; with sour sensation in chest. Suffocating spells; tightness, burning and soreness in chest; worse going upstairs or slightest ascent, must sit down. Sharp pains in chest from before backwards. Chest very sensitive to touch, percussion, or pressure. Longing for fresh air. Scanty, salty expectoration (Lyc).
Heart: Palpitation at night and after eating. Palpitation with feeling of coldness, with restless oppression of chest; after suppressed eruption.
Back: Pain as if sprained; can scarcely rise; from overlifting. Pain between shoulder-blades, impeding breathing. Rheumatism in lumbar region; weakness in small of back. Curvature of dorsal vertebræ. Nape of neck stiff and rigid. Renal colic.
Extremities: Rheumatoid pains, as after exposure to wet. Sharp sticking, as if parts were wrenched or sprained. Cold, damp feet; feel as if damp stockings were worn. Cold knees cramps in calves. Sour foot-sweat. Weakness of extremities. Swelling of joints, especially knee. Burning of soles of feet. Sweat of hands. Arthritic nodosities. Soles of feet raw. Feet feel cold and dead at night. Old sprains. Tearing in muscles.
Sleep: Ideas crowding in her mind prevent sleep. Horrid visions when opening eyes. Starts at every noise; fears that she will go crazy. Drowsy in early part of evening. Frequent waking at night. Same disagreeable idea always arouses from light slumber. Night terrors (Kali phos). Dreams of the dead.
Fever: Chill at 2 pm begins internally in stomach region. Fever with sweat. Pulse full and frequent. Chilliness and heat. Partial sweats. Night sweats, especially on head, neck and chest. Hectic fever. Heat at night during menstruation, with restless sleep. Sweat over head in children, so that pillow becomes wet.
Skin: Unhealthy; readily ulcerating; flaccid. Small wounds do not heal readily. Glands swollen. Nettle rash; better in cold air. Warts on face and hands. Petechial eruptions. Chilblains. Boils.
Modalities: Worse, from exertion, mental or physical; ascending; cold in every form; water, washing, moist air, wet weather; during full moon; standing. Better, dry climate and weather; lying on painful side. Sneezing (pain in head and nape).



ACID PHOS,1,Aconite,1,Agnus castus,1,ALETRIS FARI,1,Alfalfa,1,Apis,1,Arnica,1,Arsenicum,1,ASHOKA,1,Avena Sativa,1,Baptisia tinctori,1,baryta carbonica,1,Belladonna,1,Benzoic Acid,1,Berberis vulgaris,1,Borax,1,Bryonia Alba,1,CALCAREA CARBONICA,1,Calendula,1,Carduus marianus,1,Causticum,1,Chamomilla,1,chelidonium majus,1,CHINA,1,Cimicifuga,1,Cimicifuga Racemosa,1,COFFEA CRUDA,1,DAMIANA,1,DROSERA,1,Eupatorium,1,Euphrasia,1,Ferrum metallicum,1,Ferrum Phosphoricum,2,Fluoric acid,1,GELSEMIUM,1,Hepar sulph,1,Herbal Nuskha,1,homeo nskha urdu,1,Nux Vomica,1,Products,3,Remedies,7,Rhus Tox,1,Sulphur,1,
Bilal Homeo Clinic for Remedy Treatment: CALCAREA CARBONICA
Bilal Homeo Clinic for Remedy Treatment
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