Carduus marianus ... Such a remedy he found in a decoction of the seeds of Card. mar. He used to give Opium before, but this, he says,...

Carduus marianus
... Such a remedy he found in a decoction of the seeds of Card. mar. He used to give Opium before, but this, he says, in some people "produces ... relieved or cured." The liver enlargement of Carduus m. is in the transverse direction (that of Chel. being more vertical). ...
Carduus benedictus
... them. The gastro-abdominal disturbances of Card. mar. are observed, in less degree, in Card-b. There is disordered taste, ... congested.) Relations. Compare: Card. Mar., Bell., Atro. (vision), Chi. And Sal-ac. (noises in ears), Agar. ...