Benzoic Acid A gouty, rheumatic diathesis engrafted on a gonorrhoeal or sypilitic patient. Gouty concretions; arthritis vaga; affects...

Benzoic Acid
A gouty, rheumatic diathesis engrafted on a gonorrhoeal or sypilitic patient. Gouty concretions; arthritis vaga; affects all the joints, especially the knee, cracking on motion; nodosities (Berb., Lith., Lys.). Urine dark brown, and the urinous odor highly intensified. Enuresis nocturna of delicate children; dribbling urine of old men with enlarged prostrate; strong characteristic odor; excesses of uric acid. Catarrah of bladder after suppressed gonorrhea. Diarrhoea of children; white, very offensive, exhausting liquid stools, running "right through the diaper" (Pod.); urine offensive and of a deep red color. Cough: with expectoration of green mucus (Natr. s.); extreme weariness, lassitude. Pains tearing, stitching, in large joints of big toe; redness and swelling of joints; gout < at night.
Acid benzoicum in the treatment of rheumatism: Acid benzoicum is used for relieving rheumatic complaints .It is the best remedy for treatment of the rheumatic complaints. It is indicated in the patient suffering with hyperuricemia. It diminishes the uric acid from the body in the form of fetid urine.
Relation. - Similar: to, Cop., Nitr., Fer., Thuja, especially in enuresis after Nitr. has failed; Berb., Lith. c., in arthiritic complaints. Useful after Colch. fails in gout; after abuse of Cop. in suppression of gonorrhoea. Incompatible: wine, which aggravates urinary gouty and rheumatic affections.
Acid benzoicum in the treatment of rheumatism: Acid benzoicum is used for relieving rheumatic complaints .It is the best remedy for treatment of the rheumatic complaints. It is indicated in the patient suffering with hyperuricemia. It diminishes the uric acid from the body in the form of fetid urine.